Car Sharing

Never get a customer stranded due to cloud connectivity issues

Car sharing companies rely on applications that run on cell phones, to control the car locking/unlocking,starting etc. Car keys have gone virtual. This means the application needs to be in constant contact with the car sharing company’s cloud for trust building. If the connectivity is lost due to network or cell phone issues, the customer is standed. Use OTAinfo’s LIB to ensure trust is on the device and connectivity is irrelevant.

Make car mobility function in its true sense

Get 100% customer satisfaction with less overhead. Focus on creating more customer base.

Get operational insights

Relate the service function with time, location and customer needs

Eliminate the ghost cellphones gaining access

Ensure the paying customer application only has access to the automobile.

Increase customer satisfaction

Today everyone opts for a service that does not add stress to customers. All features in the product are meaningful if the customer needs are stratified. Car sharing companies have to keep up with changing functionality from automobile manufacturers. All these functions are centered around trust. A customer pays a fraction of a fraction to hire an automobile which is in tens of thousands.

Capture the operational sequence with data provenance

Modern day applications use metrics collection for creating actionable analytics. Now, use this data with confidence and focus on corrective actions for generating more business.